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Olympus X-ray Diffraction for Teaching Labs and Academic Research

Olympus provides several choices of XRD analyzers that can be utilized in the academic setting. Our small and aff ordable instruments can put XRD technology directly in the hands of the students to expand their knowledge and enrich their experience with crystallography and mineralogy.

These instruments use patented technology developed for the NASA Mars Rover project and off er some unique features compared to conventional XRD that makes them well suited for the academic environment.

Profile of a dissimilar girth weld of a CRA-clad pipe
Advantages of Olympus X-ray Diffraction

Advantages of Olympus X-ray Diffraction

  • Affordable instruments with low cost of ownership
  • Easy sample prep
  • Fast analysis
  • Easy-to-use instrument
  • Closed-beam operation for user safety
  • Portable and compact benchtop analyzers
Excellent Analysis Tool for Research Projects

Excellent Analysis Tool for Research Projects

A compact benchtop instrument allows you to screen many samples in your lab quickly without waiting for analysis by the central analytical laboratory. This provides instant feedback to the scientist on the outcome of either chemical synthesis work or numerous samples collected in the field.

Small, Portable Instruments can Serve Multiple Labs or Field Operations

Small, Portable Instruments can Serve Multiple Labs or Field Operations

The BTX II benchtop units can be easily moved to provide XRD analysis to multiple teaching labs. No special setup required – just plug them in to a standard outlet and turn them on. The TERRA off ers field portable XRD with a battery operated unit in a rugged case making it perfect for site work.

Great Teaching Tool for Students

These simple to run instruments allows students to become proficient in XRD analysis without extensive instrument training. A diffraction pattern can be collected within several minutes which allows many students to have a turn running samples during a teaching lab. The unique vibration sample cell analyzes powder materials with very little preparation making it fast and easy for students to perform XRD analysis.

Economical XRD Instruments

Economical XRD Instruments

The purchase price, operational cost and potential maintenance costs are all considerations for the total expenditure of an instrument. The total cost of ownership makes the Olympus XRD analyzers a perfect choice for the academic community. The available analysis software and crystallography database provided through X-Powder and AMCSD allows students to perform search-match and semiquantitative analysis without needing expensive software packages.

Olympus XRD Instruments

Olympus offers several XRD analyzers for phase identification and quantification that are easy to use and affordable to purchase and operate. The simple operation and robust design of these instruments make them the ideal teaching tool to put XRD technology in the hands of students. They are also ideal as a research tool, allowing many samples to be analyzed quickly in the lab to provide the scientist instant feedback.

These instruments have already been used in many peer-reviewed scientific publications to provide the XRD analysis in a wide range of research and application work. A list of these peer-reviewed articles published in international journals is available upon request.

TERRA™ II Portable XRD Analyzer

The TERRA™ II XRD analyzer provides portable quantitative mineralogy. Featuring a battery life up to six hours and a rugged, weatherproof case, the system is built for fast in-field analysis of major and minor components.

BTX™ III Benchtop XRD Analyzer

The BTX™ III XRD analyzer offers reliable quantitative mineralogy of major and minor components in a compact, benchtop design. Powerful software is paired with an improved X-ray detector for increased speed and sensitivity.