
Heavy Forging Inspection

Forging is a process used to manufacture metal components requiring high strength, such as turbine generator shafts and large disks. In this process, metals are most commonly heated and shaped using compressive forces. Forging has the advantage of producing stronger parts than casting or machining.

The forging process is associated with the emergence of natural volumetric defects such as inclusions and porosities. These defects can be located anywhere in the part volume and must be reliably identified and characterized in order to ensure high quality parts.

Natural Defects

Inclusions and voids can be located anywhere in the metal volume, from the subsurface region to the core. These defects must be correctly located and sized regardless of their location inside the part.

Illustration of beam propagation and corresponding DGS curve diagram.

Calibration Reference

Forged part inspection systems are usually calibrated using back wall reflection. A distance gain size (DGS) curve is generated based on the expected equivalent reflector size (ERS). This DGS curve can be converted to a time-corrected gain (TCG) curve to simplify defect identification and improve operator efficiency.

Inspection Technique

Volumetric Inspection

Volumetric inspection is performed using a phased array probe that generates longitudinal waves at various angles. Conventional ultrasonic (UT) probes are added to generate high-angle shear waves.

Subsurface Inspection

Subsurface inspection is conducted using a pitch-catch conventional UT probe, which minimizes the near-surface dead zone.


High-performance Solution

Quality PA and UT Instrument

The FOCUS PX uses the latest Olympus phased array technology to generate unprecedented signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Four additional dedicated conventional UT channels are available for added flexibility in heavy forging inspection configurations.

Up to

12 dB

SNR improvement over TomoScan FOCUS LT

Up to


dedicated UT channels

Up to

12 dB

SNR improvement over TomoScan FOCUS LT

Application-dedicated Phased Array Probe and Wedge

The dedicated Olympus heavy forging phased array probe offers improved SNR compared to competing products and also allows multiple angle coverage capability. A custom fit near-contact wedge is available to optimize coupling.

Up to

4 dB

SNR improvement over competing probes

Powerful Software

FocusPC software contains advanced features designed to optimize heavy forging inspection applications, taking full advantage of the high-end FOCUS PX specifications.

Continuous Inspection

Data files are continuously generated throughout the inspection process, allowing uninterrupted inspection of very large specimens.

Custom TCG Inspection

Import DGS-based TCG curves to simplify defect identification and improve operator efficiency.

FocusPC continuous inspection feature

FocusPC TCG import feature


Product Resources