Application Notes
Automated QC / PMI Analyzer - For Fast, 100% Testing of Tubes
Tube and pipe manufacturers use many different metals and alloys in their production lines. To eliminate liabilities, avoid material mix-ups and to meet their customers' requirements, they must compare their product against acceptable alloy specifications.
Particularly in the aerospace, petrochemical and nuclear industries, the consequences of processing or fabricating with the wrong alloy material can be catastrophic, resulting in product failure, personal injuries, fatalities, liability claims and eventual loss of business. To protect their business, high volume manufacturers need a fast, non-destructive method that checks each piece prior to shipping. The FOX-IQ Tube & Rod system offers these capabilities in an easy to integrate, easy to use, and reliable solution.
FOX-IQ System
The FOX-IQ is a compact system that integrates easily with existing or new PLC-controlled processes. This robust system is engineered for 24/7 operation in industrial environments - it can endure high levels of vibration, electromagnetic and acoustical noise as well as dust and moisture.
Each FOX-IQ delivers fast, pass/fail tests, accurate grade ID, and chemistry with automated links to the QC/QA reporting system. The FOX-IQ is controlled by a PC for start/stop, data acquisition, decision making and communication to external devices. The FOX-IQ is driven by powerful and intuitive software that has been developed and custom designed specifically for the tube and pipe industry in cooperation with several market leaders. Features include multi-level access, automated retesting, extensive reporting and an intuitive touch screen interface.

FOX-IQ Advantages
- Fast accurate analysis in matter of seconds
- Remote controlled - no site operation intervention required
- Integrated automatic analyzer QC and performance verification
- Compact, robust design fits into most existing operations with minimal infrastructure changes
- Flexible; simple intuitive control allows for minimal user intervention and makes it easy to add new alloys
- Minimal downtime - pre-calibrated Probe Head Assemblies can be exchanged in minutes
- Low power requirements: needs only 110/220V
- Uses an X-ray tube, eliminating the regulatory headaches of a radioactive source
Basic Specifications and System Description
Prodotti per l'applicazione
Sistema FOX-IQ di analisi XRF per i processi sulla linea di produzione
Sistema FOX-IQ di analisi XRF per i processi in linea di produzione per misure XRF automatizzate e in continuo di elementi dal Ca all'U. È progettato per un'operatività continua in ambienti industriali per ottimizzare i trattamenti assicurando un incremento di produttività e un miglioramento della qualità. Usato per metalli, leghe, liquidi e altri fluidi. Facile da installare e costi contenuti di gestione.