Handheld XRF's are used to test drywall quickly and easily without moving or destroying it. Drywall Detectors, LLC2 use Handheld XRF to compare levels of Strontium (Sr) and Sulfur (S) in domestic and imported drywall. They reported results for domestic (gray) drywall at levels less than 1,000 ppm for Strontium and at levels less than 1% for Sulfur; while defective Chinese drywall (blue) had elevated levels of Strontium at levels greater than 2,000 ppm and Sulfur with levels at or greater than 2%. Our Handheld XRF can measure up to 25 elements in a single test, including Sr, S, Fe, Ag, Cu and more.
XRF Testing of Drywall is Simple, Fast and Non-Destructive
Drywall Detectors tested intact drywall, defined as drywall that has undisturbed paper, intact on both sides. Essentially, it is tested as it was manufactured. For accuracy, they recommend testing a one square inch patch clear of paint and/or wallpaper. In most cases vent covers, outlets, attics and other unfinished areas provide testable drywall paper; however, in cases where they are not, the patch can be cleaned by scrapping, sanding or wire brushing.
1. Executive Summary, November 2009
2. www.drywalldetectors.com, Baltimore MD
環境用ハンドヘルド蛍光X線分析計DELTAは、資源保全再生法(RCRA)の危険な高レベル、重要汚染物質、有害金属を数秒で検査します。 ハンドヘルド蛍光X線分析計は、EPA 6200やその他のSOPに従った土壌や堆積物の検査、NIOSHまたはOSHAにより規定されたフィルター検査、表面のスクリーニング、埃を拭き取る繊維の鉛(Pb)、カドミウム(Cd)、クロム(Cr)、ヒ素(As)、水銀(Hg)などの測定に使用されています。
DELTA Professional
シリコンドリフト検出器(SDD)と4WのX線管を統合したDELTA Professionalは、分析速度、検出限界、および元素範囲において優れた性能を発揮します。 合金および鉱石のマグネシウム(Mg)以上を分析します。 DELTA Professionalは、オリンパスのハンドヘルド蛍光X線分析計においてコストパフォーマンスがより高いソリューションです。