애플리케이션 노트


자동 QC / PMI 분석기 - 100% 고속 튜브 검사용

Tube and pipe manufacturers use many different metals and alloys in their production lines. To eliminate liabilities, avoid material mix-ups and to meet their customers' requirements, they must compare their product against acceptable alloy specifications.

Particularly in the aerospace, petrochemical and nuclear industries, the consequences of processing or fabricating with the wrong alloy material can be catastrophic, resulting in product failure, personal injuries, fatalities, liability claims and eventual loss of business. To protect their business, high volume manufacturers need a fast, non-destructive method that checks each piece prior to shipping. The FOX-IQ Tube & Rod system offers these capabilities in an easy to integrate, easy to use, and reliable solution.

FOX-IQ System

The FOX-IQ is a compact system that integrates easily with existing or new PLC-controlled processes. This robust system is engineered for 24/7 operation in industrial environments - it can endure high levels of vibration, electromagnetic and acoustical noise as well as dust and moisture.

Each FOX-IQ delivers fast, pass/fail tests, accurate grade ID, and chemistry with automated links to the QC/QA reporting system. The FOX-IQ is controlled by a PC for start/stop, data acquisition, decision making and communication to external devices. The FOX-IQ is driven by powerful and intuitive software that has been developed and custom designed specifically for the tube and pipe industry in cooperation with several market leaders. Features include multi-level access, automated retesting, extensive reporting and an intuitive touch screen interface.

FOX IQ System

FOX-IQ Advantages

Basic Specifications and System Description

관련 제품


FOX-IQ Process 및 On-Line XRF 시스템

FOX-IQ Process 및 On-Line XRF 시스템은 Ca 부터 U까지 자동화된 연속적인 on-line XRF 측정을 위해 설계되었으며, 생산성 향상과 품질 향상을 위한 프로세스를 최적화하기 위해 항시 가동되는 산업 환경을 위해 설계됐습니다. 금속, 합금, 액체 및 기타 유체에 사용됩니다. 간편한 설치, 낮은 소유 비용.