애플리케이션 노트
탄소강에서 크롬에 의한 FAC 부식 예측을 위한 휴대용 XRF
The DELTA Takes Detection Limits of Chromium (Cr) in Carbon Steel to an All Time Low!
It has been shown that small amounts of Cr in carbon steel pipes significantly reduce the rate of flow accelerated corrosion. Consequently, highly accurate measurements of low levels of Cr in carbon steel are critical for predicting the end of life in these pipes. In general, Cr is present in carbon steels as a residual tramp element ranging from 0 to 0.25%. The critical level of Cr monitored for FAC prediction is at about 0.04% (400ppm). The DELTA Premium, the latest development in HHXRF, goes to an all time high in accuracy and an all time low in detection limits for Cr and other metals. It detects trace levels of Cr as low as 0.004% (40ppm) in alloys; and 0.01% (100ppm) in carbon steel for FAC inspections. Although HHXRF is a non-destructive technique, accurate low Cr analysis of in-service and oxidized pipes can require some sample preparation to remove surface material before measurements. Portable angle grinders with alumina grinder disks are recommended.

Comparison of DELTA Premium Handheld XRF with Certified Assays of Trace Cr in Carbon Steel
DELTA Premium Analysis Time: 120sec Beam 1; 30 sec Beam 2

Excellent Accuracy and Low Levels of Detection are Critical for Predicting Accelerated Corrosion
In addition to testing for flow accelerated corrosion, the power supply industry depends on HHXRF analyzers for startups, shutdowns, general maintenance, and trouble shooting. Managers cannot afford to depend on out-of-date and unreliable equipment, or untimely support of equipment. They also cannot afford to fall behind the technology curve. The analytical capabilities of HHXRF continue expanding, and new features continually enable operators to be more effective and efficient. Upgrade your HHXRF to the DELTA - the latest HHXRF loaded with innovative features and backed by the industry's best service and support.
Handheld XRF for Metals & Alloys Industries
Iron and steel are the most widely used of metals and alloys. Lighter metals, non-ferrous, newly developed and exotic alloys are also utilized extensively, but iron and steel are considered the basic raw materials for the majority of industrial goods and construction. Although produced from ores mined around the globe, steel is one of the most recycled materials in the world. From base form to recycled materials to finished products, metals and alloys are integral to the fabric of society, the consumption of which is often considered a primary indicator of development and economic progress.
Metals Alloys is a serious, dynamic business.
The DELTA XRF analyzer is an essential tool for all businesses involved in the trade or use of metals alloys. In seconds, you can nondestructively measure 25+ elements. Turnings, shavings, rods, wires, small parts, components, sizeable materials and large structures can all be analyzed directly, non-destructively. How you get them, how you make them, how you use them, how you sell them is how you measure them. Whether you check purity, chemistry, or grade ID for highest value, maximum recovery, quality, conformance, or maintenance and safety, our DELTA XRF analyzer will give you immediate answers to take action on now.

관련 제품
DELTA 합금 및 금속용 휴대용 XRF 분석기
DELTA 휴대용 XRF PMI 분석기는 합금 등급을 신속하고 정확하게 식별하고 금속 조성을 측정하기 위한 비파괴 합금 분석을 제공합니다. 단순 등급 ID에서 규격 품질 관리, 입고 자재 검사에서 최종 제품 검증에 이르기까지 수초 내로 PMI 검사 및 QA/QC 테스트를 수행합니다.
DELTA 엘리먼트
DELTA 엘리먼트는 고철 선별, 합금 성분 분석(PMI), 합금 QA/QC 및 귀금속 분석에 최적화된 비용 효율적인 휴대용 X선 형광(XRF) 분석기입니다.
DELTA 프로페셔널
실리콘 드리프트 검출기(SDD)와 4W 최적화된 X선 튜브를 결합한 DELTA 프로페셔널은 속도, LOD 및 원소 범위에서 뛰어난 성능을 제공합니다. 합금 및 광업에 대해 Mg 등을 분석합니다. DELTA 프로페셔널은 Olympus의 휴대용 XRF를 위한 최고의 가치를 지닌 솔루션입니다.