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1페니 동전 옆에 있는 맞춤형 프로브

Post Author's Photo

Sarah Williams

2020년 1월 29일

Originally published on February 21, 2017

As the use of phased array ultrasonic technology for industrial inspection applications becomes increasingly widespread, Olympus has adapted to meet our customers’ needs. We’ve continued to expand our manufacturing and engineering resources to develop custom phased array (PA) and custom conventional ultrasonic (UT) transducers for challenging applications.

Customized Ultrasonic Transducers and Probes, Personalized Service

Designed and manufactured in the US, each custom probe is produced by our experts working directly with our customers and our engineering teams to find solutions to customer inspection problems and requests. To date, we’ve designed and manufactured custom ultrasonic transducers and phased array probes for the aerospace, power generation, and petrochemical industries in applications including manufacturing, renewable energy, and research.

Our custom probes and transducers come in many varieties, including immersion, matrix, contact, and integrated wedge versions. If you have parts or components with complex geometries, we can also custom design probes and wedges to fit many area and size constraints.

PA probe CAD drawing for a the complex geometry design of the houseing for NDT transducers of piezoelectic ceramic crystals.

See a summary of our various types of ultrasonic transducers and phased array probes in “Eight Simple Questions,” our handy infographic.

Example of a Challenging Case from the Power Generation Industry

Boiling water reactor (BWR) nozzles and components can degrade over time, stemming from general corrosion to fatigue cycling. In a BWR, there are multiple nozzles that must be inspected. The nozzle types include feedwater, core spray, recirculation, main steam, and drain.

Cracks in the nozzle sections can result in loss of integrity and radiological contamination, causing unscheduled generator shutdown or even a catastrophic failure. Nozzle inspections are complicated due to their austenitic and dissimilar welds, poor accessibility, high temperature, and radioactive dosage.

Meeting Highly Specific Inspection Requirements with a Unique Probe Solution

Our customer supplied us with several specifications for the probe, including how the probe needed to attach to the holder as well as the acoustic requirements. We integrated these specifications into the probe’s design to create a spring-loaded phased array probe and fixture to perform simultaneous pitch-catch circumferential and axial inside diameter inspections in a BWR nozzle.

We also completed a similar probe design using conventional ultrasound instead of phased array for a time-of-flight diffraction (TOFD) application. Tailoring our probe offerings provides a streamlined approach that enables us to meet our customer’s high expectations.

Customized phased array probe and ndt transducer solution for the nuclear energy application, the inspection of boiling water reactor nozzles.

Probe Solutions That Meet Your Specifications and Exceed Your Expectations

Our core mission is to serve our customers whether it’s through off-the-shelf instruments and probes to custom-made solutions.

Post Author's Photo

Sarah Williams

전속 작가

Sarah Williams는 거의 10년 동안 방송 산업에서 연구자 및 카피라이터로 일했습니다. 이제 Sarah는 작가 및 편집자로서 역량을 발휘하여 Evident의 다양한 비파괴 검사(NDT) 솔루션과 관련된 주제에 관해 흥미롭고 뛰어난 자료를 작성하고 있습니다. 그녀는 최신 원격 육안, 현미경, 초음파, 와전류 및 위상 배열 기술에 관한 글을 씁니다. 또한 이러한 기술의 응용 현황과 더불어 우리의 삶의 질과 세상의 안전을 향상하는 데 이러한 기술이 어떻게 기여하는지를 탐구합니다. Sarah는 파트너인 David 및 세 자녀 Sophie, Anouk 그리고 Éloi와 함께 퀘벡에 있는 사무실에서 근무하고 있습니다.