세상 밖으로: 화성에서의 Olympus XRD

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Michelle Wright

2017년 1월 19일

Did you know? Our X-ray diffraction (XRD) technology has been to Mars!

The technology that powers Olympus XRD instruments was originally developed for testing Martian soil onboard the NASA Mars Curiosity rover.

XRD is used to determine the mineralogy of soil. It works by sending X-rays into a powdered mineral sample. The minerals must have a crystalline structure for XRD to work. The X-rays passing through the crystalline structure produce a diffraction pattern that is read by the analyzer to determine the mineralogy. Our patented technology enables our XRD analysis to work with minimal sample preparation and small sample sizes as compared to conventional XRD methods.

Our XRD technology was developed for the NASA Mars Curiosity rover.

Conventional XRD requires samples to be ground into a fine powder, typically 10 to 50 microns in diameter, and uses a large analyzer that points an X-ray beam at the sample from many different angles to get mineralogy data. Our innovative process of shaking a sample for random orientation enables the use of much smaller samples that are simply poured through a sieve and don’t need to be ground up. These features are essential for this application and making it small enough to be used on the rover. This technology helps scientists understand what minerals are part of Mars’ landscape and its geological history.

The Olympus TERRA XRD analyzer is rugged and portable.

On earth, Olympus XRD technology is available within the and BTX II benchtop XRD system; both are used in the mining, oil and gas, forensics, and pharmaceutical industries.

Want to learn more about how our XRD technology is used in the Mars rover? Check out this interview in NASA’s Spinoff Magazine with our own Jeff Walker for a feature on this technology.

Post Author's Photo

Michelle Wright

마케팅 전문가, 분석 장비

Michelle은 마케팅 커뮤니케이션에 9년 이상의 경력을 가지고 있으며, Olympus의 분석 장비 사업에서 X선 형광 및 X선 회절 분석기를 담당하고 있습니다. 그녀는 신제품 출시를 위해 제품, 엔지니어링 및 학술 지원 그룹과 협력하여 웨비나를 제작하고 애플리케이션 노트를 작성합니다.