최첨단 쐐기 접이식 쐐기를 이용한 미세홀 금속관 용접 검사

Post Author's Photo

Sarah Williams

2016년 12월 22일

Small-diameter pipe welds can be difficult to inspect with conventional ultrasound. As the pipe diameter decreases, the area of contact between the transducer wedge and pipe also decreases, leading to less transferred sound energy. In addition, maintaining proper transducer positioning can be difficult, as rocking and improper alignment make it hard to maintain a good signal.

The easiest way to facilitate wedge positioning and alignment is to use a small wedge, such as our ABSA short approach wedges. The smaller the wedge footprint, the less potential for rocking and misalignment. However, wedge dimensions can be restricted by regulating codes, application geometry, and transducer size. In other cases, the part diameter is too small for even the smallest wedges. This is when contoured wedges may be necessary.

A contoured wedge or delay line is machined to match the contour of a curved part. Contouring is one way to increase the area of contact between the wedge face and the inspection piece and to help ensure the wedge is properly positioned when inspecting small diameter parts. Contouring can effectively eliminate rocking and helps to provide consistent wedge alignment.

While ABWM wedges are the most common wedges to contour, we can contour many of the angle beam wedge product lines with the exception of the ABSA line of wedges.

When is contouring necessary?

The IIW (International Institute of Welding) Handbook on the Ultrasonic Inspection of Welds recommends the use of a contoured wedge whenever the gap between the wedge and the test surface exceeds 0.5 mm (approximately 0.020 in.). Under this guideline, a contoured wedge should be used whenever the part radius is less than the square of a wedge dimension (length or width) divided by four:

R < W2/4
R = radius of test surface
W = C width of wedge if testing in axial orientation, B length of wedge if testing in circumferential orientation

Using a smaller wedge will improve coupling on curved surfaces compared to a larger wedge. As a practical matter, contouring should be considered whenever signal strength diminishes or couplant noise increases to a point where the reliability of an inspection is impaired.

Wedge options for pipe diameters < 10 in.

The following table will help you decide which wedge type to use for small-diameter part inspections. Please note that this list is only intended as a guideline. Additional factors other than part diameter may restrict wedge selection.

Part Diameter (in.)
Wedge Options
Standard ABSA, ABWM
ABSA-4T, Contoured ABWM-5T, Contoured ABWM-7T, Contoured ABWM-4T
Standard ABSA, ABWM
ABSA-4T, Contoured ABWM
Standard ABSA, ABWM
< 9–1
Contoured ABWM
ABSA-5T, 7T, 4T, ABWM 7T, ABWM 4T, ABWM-5T Contoured
ABSA-7T-, ABSA-4T, Contoured ABWM-5T, ABWM-7T, ABWM-4T
ABSA-7T-, ABSA-4T, Contoured ABWM-5T, Contoured ABWM-7T, ABWM-4T
ABSA-4T, ABWM-4T, Contoured ABWM-5T, Contoured ABWM-7T
ABSA-4T, ABWM-4T, Contoured ABWM-5T, Contoured ABWM-7T
Contoured ABWM

Post Author's Photo

Sarah Williams

전속 작가

Sarah Williams는 거의 10년 동안 방송 산업에서 연구자 및 카피라이터로 일했습니다. 이제 Sarah는 작가 및 편집자로서 역량을 발휘하여 Evident의 다양한 비파괴 검사(NDT) 솔루션과 관련된 주제에 관해 흥미롭고 뛰어난 자료를 작성하고 있습니다. 그녀는 최신 원격 육안, 현미경, 초음파, 와전류 및 위상 배열 기술에 관한 글을 씁니다. 또한 이러한 기술의 응용 현황과 더불어 우리의 삶의 질과 세상의 안전을 향상하는 데 이러한 기술이 어떻게 기여하는지를 탐구합니다. Sarah는 파트너인 David 및 세 자녀 Sophie, Anouk 그리고 Éloi와 함께 퀘벡에 있는 사무실에서 근무하고 있습니다.