7.3 点焊和钎焊接头
点焊是将两片金属,通常为薄片或薄板,通过一系列直径约为2.5毫米到6.5毫米的小圆钉接头,连接在一起的常用技术。这种焊接过程不仅广泛用于汽车行业的车体组装和一些底盘的接合,而且还被其它类型金属薄片的制造商使用,如:家用电器和金属家具制造商。点焊通常使用小型、高频(一般为15 MHz或20 MHz)延迟块探头检测,晶片直径与焊缝的大小相似。
Good Weld
There will be a characteristic echo pattern associated with a good weld, in which the spacing between echoes will be proportional to the thickness of the weld, and the decay rate (the rate at which successive echoes decrease in amplitude) will be related to the attenuation within the nugget. This pattern becomes the reference for further tests.
Undersized Weld
In the case of an undersized weld, a portion of the sound beam will reflect from the total thickness of the two metal sheets, while a portion reflects from a single thickness. This creates a pattern in which small peaks representing single-sheet thickness appear between the larger and more widely separated peaks representing the full weld thickness.
Stick Weld
A stick weld is a condition in which the metal sheets are fused, but because of insufficient heating the weld nugget is not fully formed. The echo decay rate will change, with larger peaks appearing on the screen and a smaller drop off in amplitude between any two successive peaks.
No Weld
If there is no fusion between the two pieces of metal (a "no weld" or "unweld" condition), then the successive echoes will be much closer together and larger in amplitude.
钎焊是一种将小直径金属管的某些部分与某些其它小金属零件,如:电触头,连接在一起的常见过程。通过钎焊可以将两片金属粘合在一起,方法是先将金属填料熔化,然后通过毛细管吸引作用使填料流进两片金属之间的空隙中。钎焊接头一般通过垂直声束检测方式检测,在检测过程中,操作人员监控来自外侧金属部件内表层的回波波幅。通常会使用小直径延迟块式探头进行检测。如果检测的是合格的钎焊接头,则从金属之间的粘接处返回的是相对较小的反射信号,而如果存在气孔,则返回的是大得多的反射信号。通过在代表已知钎焊和无钎焊情况的样件上进行设置并检测的方法,可以为每种情况确立钎焊的合格水平。下面的示例显示的是使用20 MHz延迟块探头对12.5毫米铜管的钎焊进行的检测。闸门标出了接头的深度。如果接头融合得好,则来自这点的回波非常小,如果没有融合,则会有很大的回波。