Portable XRF for Nickel Laterite Exploration, Grade Control & Processing
Olympus Portable X-ray Fluorescence (pXRF) analysers provide high performance, real-time geochemical data for rapid multi-element characterization of soils, rocks and ores. Recent, major advances in pXRF technology has vastly improved the limits of detection and number of elements measured, in addition to significantly reducing analysis test times. pXRF is now utilized as an effective method for exploring and in the production of nickel laterite mineralisation. It is routinely used in the reconnaissance drilling, trenching, face sampling, stockpile verification and on concentrates products.
Nickel Laterite Geology
Nickel is found in two key types of deposits; Nickel laterites and magmatic (volcanic) sulphide deposits. Although nickel laterites contain around 70% of nickel reserves, most historical nickel production has come from nickel sulphides.This is changing as nickel sulphide reserves deplete and the worlds consumption of nickel grows steadily each year. Another favourable by-product of mining nickel laterites is their concentration of cobalt, which is specifically valuable due to the rapidly emerging rise of battery metals.
Nickel laterites formed through the intense weathering of nickel-bearing ultramafic bedrock, that formed through prolonged chemical and mechanical weathering in wet, warm, tropical environments. Nickel Laterites have long tabular bodies, over several hundred meters, but only tens of meters deep. These deposits consist of a predictable weathering profile that includes five "zones" (below): The un-weathered ultramafic bedrock, the weathered bedrock or "saprolite", a clay-rich layer, limonite zone and a ferricrust or "iron cap".
The Use Case for pXRF
Dealing with Moisture Content
Figure 2 – Project specific pXRF calibration data for Nickel Laterite (Saprolite) deposit in New Caledonia.