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Automobile Engine Water Jacket Inspections with Industrial Videoscopes

Automobile Engine Water Jacket

The Background and Problems in Engine Block Inspections

Engine blocks are the basis of automobiles. Their complicated designs and robust construction withstand fuel combustion. Virtually all components are made by sand casting. The following problems may occur with these molded components.

These problems cannot be viewed directly and tend to get overlooked in visual inspections because they occur deep inside of the components. Industrial videoscopes are necessary to conduct internal inspections.

[Remnants of sand detected by videoscope inspection]
[Remnants of sand detected by videoscope inspection]

Videoscope inspections are conducted in water jackets, which cool the engine. Water jackets have narrow inlets and widen up in the interior. Only videoscopes can efficiently and accurately inspect water jackets.

Benefits specific to Olympus

The most popular Olympus videoscopes used in water jacket inspections are 2 meters in length and have diameters from 2.4 mm to 5.0 mm. They are flexible and can efficiently and steadfastly conduct inspections in molding plants.

[Insertion of thin videoscope into a water jacket]

[Insertion of thin videoscope into a water jacket]

Olympus videoscopes are adapted by automobile and automobile component manufacturers throughout the world and are typically suitable for conducting water jacket inspections:

[The abrasion-resistant and durable videoscope IPLEX TX has an outer diameter that is a scant 2.4 mm, and is equipped with tip articulation control]
[The abrasion-resistant and durable videoscope IPLEX TX has an outer diameter that is a scant 2.4 mm, and is equipped with tip articulation control]
[The abrasion-resistant and durable videoscope IPLEX TX has an outer diameter that is a scant 2.4 mm, and is equipped with tip articulation control]

[The abrasion-resistant and durable videoscope IPLEX TX has an outer diameter that is a scant 2.4 mm, and is equipped with tip articulation control]


The IPLEX NX videoscope combines our highest-quality images with an intuitive user interface, ergonomic design, and durability for efficient inspection in nearly any environment. Its clear, bright images and powerful measurement features are built to exceed expectations.