



Exporting Ultrasonic Data as a .CSV File to Generate Custom Reports

Reports are the end result that inspection companies offer their customers. A clear and detailed report can differentiate one company from another by providing more comprehensive results and illustrating concepts that may be difficult to grasp for the end-user.

Challenges in creating a custom report

Since there can be as many types of reports as there are customers, it can be challenging to find one format that fits the needs of every customer. For example, the engineers might need specific calculations to estimate the remaining life of a component to provide their assessment and make educated decisions. Being able to produce this information easily could become critical in some projects.

Solution: export the C-scan

The C-scan export feature is a way to generate a .CSV format file directly from an OmniScan® flaw detector or from OmniPC software. It enables the inspector to export every single data point from an inspection to create a document that contains the entirety of the inspection information.

Users can access the export data function by right clicking in OmniPC software or pressing and holding the C-scan window in an OmniScan flaw detector running MXU 4.2 software and later. A list will appear containing the “Export” option. Once the user clicks or presses “Export,” the .CSV file is generated and saved either on a computer (if using OmniPC software) or on an SD card (if using an OmniScan flaw detector).

Exporting Ultrasonic Data as a .CSV File to Generate Custom Reports

Figure 1. The export option can be selected while in the C-scan view. Right click in OmniPC software or press and hold on the OmniScan screen.


The .CSV file can be opened in a variety of programs, such as Microsoft® Excel® software. In Excel software, conditional formatting can be used to make detection and analysis easier and enable the user to look at the same information in different ways.

Exporting Ultrasonic Data as a .CSV File to Generate Custom Reports

Figure 2. A .CSV file opened in Excel software with conditional formatting in color to display corrosion.

Exporting Ultrasonic Data as a .CSV File to Generate Custom Reports

Figure 3. A .CSV file opened in Excel software with conditional formatting in 3D to display corrosion.

Exporting Ultrasonic Data as a .CSV File to Generate Custom Reports

Figure 4. Different options to display data in 3D.

Features such as automatically listing the position of a pit and showing average thickness, minimum thickness, and the proportion of an area under a predefined thickness threshold can easily be implemented using third-party software. The .CSV file format is compatible with a variety of NDT programs as well as pipeline burst pressure calculators.


The export C-scan option in OmniPC software or onboard the OmniScan® flaw detector software (version 4.2 and later) enables users to view and analyze their inspection data and opens up possibilities for displaying important information and providing remaining life calculations.




この新ソフトウェアは、OmniScanデータ解析のための効率的で低価格のオプションソフトウェアです。 OmniScan搭載のソフトウェアの同じ解析ツールを備えており、PC上で自在に操作することができます。


OmniScan SX

シングルグループで軽量のOmniScan SXは、読み取りやすい8.4インチ(21.3cm)のタッチスクリーンを搭載し、コスト効果に優れたソリューションを提供しています。 OmniScan SXには、SX PAおよびSX UTの2種類のモデルを用意しています。 SX PAは、16:64PRの装置で、UT専用のSX UTと同様に、従来型UTチャンネルを備え、P/E、P-CまたはTOFD検査に対応しています。