애플리케이션 노트
프로세스 파이프 응력 부식 균열 검사
As a part of its eddy current array solutions, Olympus proposes an innovative pipe inspection kit for stress corrosion cracking detection.
Though the results are comparable, ECA technology is much less time-consuming and labor-intensive than penetrant or magnetic-particle inspection. With ECA inspection, you can eliminate costly and complicated procedures, such as paint and coating removal.
The new versitile ECA probe with interchangeable wedges fits a wide-range of pipe sizes.
With the new continuous mode, scan imagery is revealed in real time with a constant results stream.
- Efficient inspection on magnetic and non-magnetic alloys.
- Indications are detected in all directions with only a single pass.
- No need to remove paint; fewer steps means time-savings.
- The 32-coil probe provides a large area of coverage.
- Defect depth evaluation capability.
- Continuous mode provides interrruption-free scan imagery.
- Imagery and archiving enabled.
- Adjustable sensitivity and post-process analysis.
- Green method ( no chemicals involved)
Replace Conventional NDT Methods with Eddy Current Array Technology
Red dye penetrant indications
Eddy current array indications with red dye color palette (patent rights protected)
Pipe Inspection Kit
The pipe inspection kit includes 15 wedges for pipe sizes from 33.4 mm (1.310 in.) and up.
Adaptable to Part Geometry
When a part changes shape, Olympus wedges can adapt.
3. Apply the flexible probe to the wedge.
4. The probe is now ready to use
이 애플리케이션에 사용되는 제품
와전류 배열 시험 검사를 수행합니다. 테스트 구성은 브리지 또는 송수신 모드에서 작동하는 32개의 센서 코일(외부 멀티플렉서 사용 시 최대 64개)을 지원합니다. 동작 주파수는 20Hz에서 6MHz까지이며, 동일한 수집에서 여러 주파수를 사용할 수 있습니다.