애플리케이션 노트


Vanta HHXRF 분석기를 사용한 FAC 예측

Using the Vanta HHXRF Analyzer for Predicting FAC

In power generation process piping, carbon steels containing low amounts of chromium (Cr) are susceptible to accelerated corrosion. Monitoring chromium content with Vanta handheld XRF analyzers is crucial to predicting useful pipe life.

Using the Vanta HHXRF Analyzer for Predicting FAC

Carbon steel process lines can form a native protective oxide (magnetite or hematite) on the surface of the piping. At a high flow rate, this oxide coating may be removed. As the piping material attempts to regenerate the native oxide layer, the regenerated coating is also removed because of the high flow rate. This corrosion phenomenon is called flow accelerated corrosion (FAC). FAC is often made worse with turbulent flow from fittings such as elbows, tees, and reducing couplings.

Corrosion models predict carbon steels containing less than 0.04% Cr are susceptible to FAC. This monitoring threshold is within the analysis range for chromium in iron-based steels with Olympus Vanta instruments. Small increases in the amounts of Cr in carbon steel piping will significantly reduce the rate of flow accelerated corrosion. Consequently, highly accurate measurements of low levels of Cr in carbon steel are critical for predicting the end of life in these pipes.

Below are on-screen results of a Vanta analyzer (Model VMR) during Cr analysis in carbon steels. Accurate Cr readings at levels needed for FAC prediction, as shown here, are generated in less than seven seconds.

Chromium Performance in Carbon Steels

Chromium Performance in Carbon Steels
Vanta handheld XRF can quickly and accurately measure low levels of chromium in carbon steels to determine piping’s susceptibility to flow accelerated corrosion. Knowledge of chromium content allows a power generation plant to schedule piping repairs appropriately and proactively to minimize the risk of leaks or failed fittings.

관련 제품


PMI용 Vanta

PMI용 Vanta 휴대용 XRF 분석기는 합금 등급을 신속하고 정확하게 식별해 중요한 위치에 정확한 합금 설치를 보장하게 해주는 매우 구체적인 재료 화학을 제공합니다.



Vanta™ 휴대용 XRF 분석기 시리즈는 최신의 가장 강력한 휴대용 XRF 장치로서 현장에서 실험실 품질의 결과를 요구하는 고객을 위해 신속하고 정확한 요소 분석을 제공합니다. 분석기는 IP55 또는 IP54 등급으로 견고하게 제작됐으며, 가동 시간 향상과 소유 비용 절감을 위해 낙하 시험을 거쳤습니다.