고소 지역에서의 로프 접근: EPOCH 6LT 결함 탐상기를 사용한 고소 작업

Philip Graham

2017년 9월 11일

NDT inspections are essential for helping to ensure safety in a variety of industries and applications. However, it’s not always easy to reach the inspection area. In the past, difficult-to-access sections of pipes, vessels, supports, and other structures were reached via scaffolding. Large steel structures would be erected, and the NDT technician would stand on the scaffold to perform the inspection. Today, this bottom up approach is being replaced in many applications by a top down approach using rope access inspectors.

Why rope access?

In many situations, rope access offers advantages over scaffolding-based inspections.

It’s often faster and cheaper.

Rope access usually requires less equipment, making it faster. When using scaffolding, there can be significant time and expense involved in building the structure. You may need to pay workers to construct the scaffolding, plus the additional cost of purchasing or renting the equipment. By comparison, the rigging for a rope access inspection can be accomplished in a few minutes or hours.

There are fewer limitations and disruptions.

Scaffolding is large and takes up a lot of space. Even with scaffolding, it’s not always easy to access the inspection area. Rope access provides users with more flexibility. In many cases, structures that are tough or even impossible to reach via scaffolding, such as the underside of an oil rig, can be easily accessed using rope access techniques.
NDT Inspections

Rope access inspection is safe.

One of the myths about rope access inspection is that it’s a very dangerous job. The International Industrial Rope Access Trade Association (IRATA) and the Society of Professional Rope Access Technicians (SPRAT) set safety standards and regulations that rope access instructors teach their students.

To help ensure safety, rope access systems are redundant. Rope access technicians work on a two-rope system. The technicians are attached to both ropes by independently rigged anchor points. If one rope ever failed, the backup system can be immediately accessed.

How we can help.

With features designed for rope access applications, our EPOCH® 6LT ultrasonic flaw detector helps inspectors stay safe while making it easier for them to do their jobs. The optional rope access accessory kit turns the flaw detector into an instrument optimized for work at height applications.
Rope Access with EPOCH 6LT - NDT Flaw Detector

Portable and powerful, the EPOCH 6LT flaw detector has the features to get the job done. With the accessory kit, the flaw detector securely attaches to your leg and harness, keeping the instrument secure and easily accessible and enabling your hands to stay free to work the rigging or maintain balance. The display rotates from horizontal to vertical, so the A-scan remains in an ideal viewing position while the instrument is on your leg, and the buttons and rotary knob remain readily accessible for easy parameter adjustments.

The EPOCH 6LT flaw detector is optimized for rope access applications.

Already engineered for IP65/67, the rope access accessory kit includes a soft case that provides added protection for the flaw detector while it’s attached to your leg. A removable display protector helps protect the screen from damage from carabiners, ropes, and falling debris.

Philip Graham

콘텐츠 관리자

Phil은 역사학 및 인류학 학사 학위, 시카고 대학교에서 인문학 석사 학위, 코네티컷 대학교에서 인류학 박사 학위를 취득했습니다. 그는 2015년 Olympus에 합류하기 전에 수년 동안 작문 심화 과정을 대학에서 가르쳤습니다. 그는 사회 과학 교육을 통해 첨단 기술 및 제품에 대해 대중과 소통하는 것을 즐깁니다.