장난감 문제: 인기 장난감에서 유해 물질 검출
A recent news story highlighted that a consumer advisory group cautioned that some popular ‘spinner’ toys contain lead.
We tested 5 varieties of spinner toys with the Vanta handheld XRF analyzer to detect if they contained unsafe levels of hazardous substances.
Of the 5 spinners we tested, one failed our tests with high levels of lead.
One toy failed testing when the analyzer indicated unsafe levels of lead.
The analyzer didn’t detect any hazardous materials in the other 4 toys.
Government agencies enforce regulations to protect the public from toxicity and pollution associated with consumer products and electronics. Due to their fast, nondestructive, and on-the-spot screening capabilities, Vanta analyzers are important tools for establishing a reasonable testing program for monitoring compliance with regulatory requirements.
The results of this study show just how important these reasonable testing programs are to help ensure that companies who manufacture consumer goods, especially toys, use the correct materials. During this holiday season, we’re proud to know that our products are helping suppliers and regulators keep the public safe.