Notas de aplicación
Automated Train Wheel Inspection
Train Wheel Inspection
AAR, ISO, and EN Compliant
Railway transport continues to play an important role in the transportation industry; due in large part to its speed, reliability, and affordability. To maintain this viability, ensuring train safety and integrity is key. Stringent regulations are imposed on the inspection of train wheels and axles in both the manufacturing and service sectors. To meet and exceed these strict criteria, Olympus provides the power and flexibility of its FOCUS LT/TomoView package to experienced and knowledgeable integrators, who are then able to deliver fully code-compliant inspection systems.
Manufacturing Inspection
Radial Defects:
- 2.0 mm FBH for high speed train wheels.
- 3.2 mm FBH for freight train wheels.
- Various depths from tread surface.
Axial Defects:
- 2.0 mm FBH for high speed train wheels.
- 3.2 mm FBH for freight train wheels.
- Various depths from rim surface.
Code Compliance
- EN 13262
- ISO 5948
- AFNOR 09-340
- Inspection time down to 30 s/wheel for freight train wheels.
- Complete thread and rim areas coverage.
- Inspection time down to 3 min./wheel for high speed train wheels.
- In-depth thread, rim, hub and flange coverage.
In-Service Inspection
Radial Defects:
- 1.0 mm FBH for high speed train wheels.
- 2.0 to 3.2 mm FBH for freight train wheels.
- Various depths from tread surface.
Axial Defects:
- 3.0 or 5.0 mm FBH in the web section.
- Up to 3 defects at different depths.
Code Compliance
- ESR 0331
- EN 13262
- AAR M107-84
- Inspection time down to 30 s/wheel for freight train wheels.
- Complete thread and rim areas coverage.
- Inspection time down to 3 min./wheel for high speed train wheels.
- In-depth thread, rim, hub, and flange coverage.
Optional High Speed Train Inspection Requirements
Multizone Coverage
Specific code requirements subdivide the rim area into zones requiring additional coverage.
Sub Bore-Hole Area Inspection
Some codes require the inspection of the area under the bore holes, which is achieved with a Pitch-Catch configuration.
High-Performance Package
Experience the power of the FOCUS LT acquisition unit, the flexibility of the TomoView software, and the customization capability provided by the software development kits (SDK). These three components work in unison to maximize the performance of train wheel inspection systems.
TomoScan FOCUS LT Specifications
Use 1, 2, or 3 FOCUS LT acquisition units to match the expected system productivity.
- Enhanced multiprobe capability for simultaneous full wheelset inspection.
- Up to a threefold increase in inspection speed for reduced inspection time per wheelset.
Automation and Customization
Fully automate your inspection system to reduce the cycle time per wheel and enhance detectability.
Customizable User Interface
Create your own specially designed user interface that optimizes and streamlines your system’s performance.
TomoView and SDK Features
- Advanced multiprobe and multigroup management for in-depth thread, rim, hub, and flange coverage.
- Dedicated user interface based on train wheel inspection requirements.
- Live data retrieval capability for customized external data presentation and processing.
- Fully automated and operator-free inspection systems using the SDKs.
Photo Courtesy of DTEC GmbH Germany
Productos relacionados
TomoView es un potente y flexible software de PC usado para configurar, adquirir datos, visualizar y analizar señales ultrasónicas.
Sistema de inspección automático para ruedas de tren
El transporte ferroviario desempeña un papel importante en la industria del transporte, debido, en gran parte, a su velocidad, fiabilidad y rentabilidad. Para poder mantener esta viabilidad, la integridad y la seguridad de los vehículos ferroviarios son dos puntos fundamentales. En los sectores de fabricación y de servicios se imponen normas o directivas estrictas relativas a la inspección de ruedas y ejes de trenes. Para cumplir y superar los criterios definidos en ellas, Olympus ofrece la potencia y flexibilidad de su paquete FOCUS PX/PC para integradores experimentados y altamente capacitados, capaces de entregar sistemas completos de inspección en conformidad con las normas en vigor.
La unidad de adquisición extensible FOCUS PX junto con el software FocusPC otorgan lo último en tecnología de ultrasonido multielemento (Phased Array) y ultrasonido convencional a fin de facilitar su integración en sistemas automatizados y semiautomatizados. Las capacidades de la unidad FOCUS PX y de su software para generar y guardar datos C-scan y A-scan sin tratar los vuelve la elección idónea para aplicaciones cuyo veredicto de inspección se emite por medio de análisis de datos posteriores a la inspección. Estas aplicaciones destacan en la industria aeroespacial (laminado de compuestos), de generación de energía (álabes eólicos), transporte (ruedas de trenes), metalúrgica (piezas forjadas) y más.
Los kits de desarrollo de software (SDK) opcionales FocusControl, FocusData y OpenView son compatibles con la unidad FOCUS PX para que los clientes puedan desarrollar su propio software de aplicación.