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Ultraschalldickenmessung von heissen Metallen

Ultrasonic thickness gauging is not just limited to materials at normal (ambient) temperatures. The thickness of a part can be measured even when the surface temperature approaches 900 deg F (500 deg C). In metals, particularly, there may be circumstances when the thickness of the part needs to be measured before the part can be cooled down.

Ultrasonic testing has the advantage - just as at normal temperatures - that thickness measurements can be taken from one side of the hot part. Ultrasonics may be the preferred method of measurement even when both sides of the hot metal part are accessible. The reason is that ultrasonic thickness measurements can be made instantly and with very brief contact with the hot surface.

For the best calibrated accuracy, the effect of the higher temperature on the velocity of sound must be taken into account. Although change in sound velocity with temperature is much less in metals than in plastics, significant errors in measured thickness can result if sound velocity is not corrected.

Equipment: A major reason to classify hot metals separately is that when the temperature of a surface exceeds 120 deg F (50 deg C), Microscan contact transducers cannot be used because they will be damaged by thermal expansion effects. Consequently, gauges that exclusively utilize contact transducers cannot be used for making thickness measurements on hot surfaces.

For measurement of smooth hot metal we recommend the Model 38DL PLUS, Model 45MG with Single Element software, or Model 35DL gages, which can be used with delay line transducers or immersion transducers. On hot surfaces delay line transducers must be used with selected high temperature delay lines. The thickness of hot corroded metal parts or parts with rough surfaces should be measured with a D790 or D791 dual transducer. The 38DL PLUS , 45MG, or MG2 series gages can be used for this purpose.

Verwandte Produkte

45MG Dickenmessgerät

Der 45MG ist ein hochmodernes Ultraschall-Dickenmessgerät mit Standard-Messfunktionen und Softwareoptionen. Dieses einzigartige Dickenmessgerät ist mit allen unseren Sender-Empfänger-Messköpfen und Einzelschwingermessköpfen kompatibel.

38DL PLUS Dickenmessgerät

Das vielseitig einsetzbare 38DL PLUS Messgerät kann mit Sender-Empfänger-Messköpfen zur Messung korrodierter Rohre bis hin zur sehr präzisen Dickenmessung von dünnen oder mehrschichtigen Materialien mit einem Einzelschwingermesskopf verwendet werden.

27MG Ultraschalldickenmessgerät

Das einfache 27MG Ultraschalldickenmessgerät muss nur an eine Seite eines Metallrohrs oder eine andere Komponente gehalten werden, um die Dicke von Metallrohren und -teilen mit Innenkorrosion oder -erosion genau zu messen. Es ist leicht, robust und ergonomisch und für die Bedienung mit einer Hand ausgelegt.