성형 플라스틱 부품의 공극 탐지
Detection of hidden internal voids or air bubbles in molded plastic parts.
Plastic parts manufactured by injection molding and similar processes can contain internal voids caused by shrinkage during cooling or air pockets trapped during molding. Voids are most commonly seen in parts with wall thicknesses greater than approximately 6 mm or 0.25 inch, but they can occur in thinner walls as well. Internal voids can affect the structural integrity of a part and lead to breakage, and typically indicate that the molding process needs to be optimized.
Ultrasonic flaw detection offers a simple method for locating internal voids without cutting or X-raying the part. High-frequency sound waves coupled into the part by a small probe called a transducer will reflect from voids in a predictable way. Ultrasonic waves will travel through a material until they encounter a boundary, such as a far wall. A void within the sound path will generate an additional echo where there should not be one. By observing echo patterns on a display screen, a trained operator can quickly and reliably verify material integrity.
Any of the EPOCH® series flaw detectors can be used for this test, including the EPOCH 6LT, , and EPOCH 650 instruments. The type of transducer used in a given test will depend on the specific part geometry and thickness, but small-diameter contact and delay line transducers are most commonly used. These include part numbers V110-RM (5 MHz), V112-RM (10 MHz), and V260 Sonopen® transducer (15 MHz focused delay line).
Ultrasonic flaw detection is a comparative process in which the echo pattern generated by a good part is compared with the echo pattern from a test piece. Changes in the echo pattern indicate changes in the internal structure. In tests of molded plastic parts, the operator typically looks for the presence of echoes within a marked gate or window that represents the interior of the test piece. The presence of reflections in this zone indicates discontinuities, such as voids, bubbles, or inclusions.
The example below shows detection of a large void in a 20 mm (0.8 in.) thick molded plastic frame, using an EPOCH 650 flaw detector and a V110-RM transducer (5 MHz). The transducer is coupled to the top of the part. With a good part, the sound travels to the bottom surface and creates a reflection from a depth of 20 mm, as indicated by the peak at the right side of the image in the first waveform screen example below. However, if a void is present, the sound will reflect from the void and create a peak within the zone on the screen that is marked with the red gate, representing the middle of the part. The presence of an echo in that area indicates a discontinuity in the part. The inspection takes only a few seconds per test point.
Typical indication from good part
Typical flaw indication, echo in red gate
A similar test can be applied to most types of molded plastic parts. For further information, contact Olympus.
관련 제품
EPOCH 6LT 휴대용 초음파 결함 탐상기는 한 손 작업에 최적화되어 있으며 로프 접근 및 고소 작업이 필요한 고휴대성 응용 분야에서 탁월한 성능을 제공합니다. 가볍고 인체 공학적 디자인으로 사용자의 손에 단단히 고정시키나 로프 접근이 필요한 응용 분야에서는 다리에 묶을 수 있습니다.
EPOCH 650은 다양한 응용 분야에 대한 우수한 검사 성능과 유용성을 갖춘 재래식 초음파 결함 검출기입니다. 이 직관적이고 견고한 장비는 인기 있는 EPOCH 600 결함 탐상기 후속작이며 추가 기능을 갖추고 있습니다.